Well, it's been a while since I updated things here. It's been so hectic that I really haven't gotten much in the way of sewing done. I have been doing some trim ordering online for the green natural form gown- I am hoping that the mailman arrives today with my ecru gimp (he's still not here at it's 5pm!). I found my old order of that beautiful cream lace that I used for the top of the natural form gown and procured an additional 12 yards so that I can add lace to the pannier overskirt as well. That gown is coming along nicely, just waiting on bits and pieces here and there to arrive.
This is a slightly older photo but it gives you a good idea of where this project is currently. I have added more of that beautiful lace to the pannier overskirt, and I will trim that with the same ecru gimp that is on the upper bodice. I am considering adding that lace to the bottom of the satin underskirt, but I haven't played around enough with it yet to make that decision.

In addition, I began the process of figuring out the patterns needed for the Bottle Green 1912 Gown. Pattern finding was easier than I had anticipated; I think the Simplicity fits the bill quite nicely. I made the mockup in $2/yd muslin, and while it is white cotton, it still has some pizazz to it. I had to borrow the narrow belt off of my bathrobe since the gown is meant to have a belt and the bodice is not quite right without it. That said, the belt will be significantly thicker and not so... bathrobey.
The major fabrics of the skirt and underdress have been found and acquired. The hard part is finding the trimmings. In fact, it is much much MUCH easier to find Victorian style trimmings than it is to find 19-teens era trimmings. Go figure. I had assumed that as I creeped closer to the modern day, procurement of supplies would be simpler. Guess not. I have not been able to find even a whisper of beaded french netting for the lower bodice, and the ecru lame lace has not exactly been forthcoming either. In order to create the beaded french netting, I ordered some E6000 craft glue and a bunch of swarovski crystal flatbacks. If I can find a few hours to myself sometime in the coming weeks, I will attempt to make nice, beaded french netting out of high quality plain old french netting. I may go crazy; maybe not from the glue fumes, but certainly from the task of gluing 1440 crystals onto netting!!! I may also have to add some to the velvet printed netting as well. For that, I will also add a beaded lace scalloped trim to the lower edge of that, assuming I can find what I want somewhere. <sigh> This one has NOT been playing nice!
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